Saturday, June 30, 2012

Asiatic Lilies

Photo taken April 2012

Photo taken June 20, 2012

Asiatic hybrids (Division I)

 Purchased as bulbs in the fall 2011. Placed in various spots in the yard. This is the first year I have seen them thrive. Asiatic lilies are not very aromatic. If I had known that when I bought them I would have gotten something else. I will dig them up in the fall and put them together in the side yard to make room for tiger lilies!

Propogate by dividing the bulbs or seed. Dig up and divide every 3-5 years.
grows 1-5'
very hardy
early blooming
Do not cut the stems when flowering is over. The stems provide the plant nutrients for next years blooms.

After the first frost, cut the stems back to about an inch and carefully dig up the tubers making sure not to damage them.Move them to their new home but do not overwater them.

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